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Channelled by Brenda:
on Friday, 16th November 2007 @ 02.30am
It is, I think a tribute toward a percentage of Humanity whenever a direct contact is made by spirit via whatever method is plausible at any given time.
Of course the energies within the charkas are very important; from the thoughts managing to transcribe energy patterns into words to be written down; through the third eye chakra -clairvoyant; the throat chakra - trance; the heart chakra - love and Compassion, drawing the dimensions together; the solar-plexus chakra, being the ‘anchor’ for all activity; the spleen chakra bringing movement of energies; to the base chakra which provides the grounding needed to stabilise it all within this World of Matter.
Whether it be via the voice alone; overshadowment; trance; ectoplasm, through to a full-blown transference of the lower chakra system leading to a potential materialisation from one dimension into another; rest assured, each contact will be serious in Nature, even a mischievous spirit will serve a purpose in actually perfecting their contact.
They come, each one with a message to deliver — and, as ‘like attracts like’ - they can only give as much as the recipient / medium can accept. However, given the chance, there will always be one who wishes to donate an element of assistance which would act as a pointer to a better understanding of life, which maybe of value to the earth plane.
There is, at the moment, much deception which has prevented much of this form of communication; either due to, ego; flattering the personality and attempts to divert the attention. These situations, and more, only seek to put on hold the True Contact that is truly available; the ultimate solution is one which would be to ignore all such strategies to divert attention, and to enter into a stage, whereby those of spirit could find ample opportunity to spend time building up a rapport, in certainty that there would be a determined continuation of events specifically for this activity to take place.
To change our way of thinking, so we become lighter in our minds/attitudes towards others; to become much fairer in our approach to others is what I think spirit are trying to put across, as these things will pave the way for a more structured contact.
Once this has become established, then they could come closer into our World of Matter - but only if we were to release the mental hold we have on ‘power’; ‘control’; the ‘need’ for money, etc:..As we do release the need for these desires - then can spirit begin to step forward to give us the assistance needed - not necessarily wanted - there is indeed a specific difference- and we must now learn to take just what we are in need of, and not just what we want. This is one of the stumbling blocks in our contact with friends, who are only waiting for these changes to occur. There are many within the Higher Realms who seek to serve by bringing added knowledge to us, but only when we are ready.
It is true that a percentage of Humanity will / are beginning the ascension process in earnest, as Mother Earth enters the Great shift in consciousness, so will some leave the physical vibrations in a purely natural state, and enter into the next vibratory pattern. In order to accommodate this action there have been both, Earth-gates, and Star-gates set up for the purpose. Now, as with all gates, these are so designed to only accept certain vibrations through them; this is because, here on earth is such a varying cross section of existence, which has been contained within the physical ’body’ of Humanity, and not every ’body’ carries the same vibration pattern, and each soul resonates to a different tone/colour frequency. Therefore they would not all be required to enter into the same pattern, so, thirteen Earth-gates are now set up within Earth plane, each one on, or very near to a chakra/energy point within earth; they will be seen to correspond to the star-gates, each vibrational has these gates, for this very purpose. The thirteen Earth-gates were built, and set in place by Dr Saskia Bormann, and her Father, over a period of three years, after she had received the exact specifications from Archangel Michael (Seen the Star-gate films yet?)
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