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Have you ever thought of using crystals in your meditations? I have introduced this into my daily routine and the results are quite remarkable. This particular crystal, Apophyllite, is exceptional in connecting with your higher self. You can purchase gems and crystals in Rock Shops and most stores catering to self-healing practices. I always let the crystal choose me by walking around them closing my eyes and when I open them I go to where I am drawn. But take caution...this isn't always the best choice regarding your wallet!
After purchasing your crystal you will need to clean it. If you have a crystal that will not be damaged by water (ask your supplier) it can be held under a tap or immersed in salt water. You can also use a bag of brown rice or sea salt and leave them sitting in it overnight and some people use smudging (pass them through the light of a candle or visualize them surrounded by white light). This will clear away any negative energies and purify them. Next, allow them to sit in the light of the sun or full moon to re-energize them. Now you are ready to connect with them personally.
To begin you will need to activate your crystal. Hold it in your hands and imagine light all around it or hold it in front of a light source and then formulate your intention. Just be specific on how you want to use it.
This is what I used for my Apophyllite:
"To my highest guides and helpers second to none, bless me and protect me knowing that everything that is said, heard, felt or sensed is with absolute love. I wish to connect with this crystal and use it as a CLEAR CHANNEL to receive guidance and wisdom from my higher self."
I then
sit and meditate holding the crystal for about 15 minutes in silence. When I am through I send a blessing and give thanks to all of the guides working on my behalf and I go on my way.
I began using Apophyllite several months ago and it has increased my empathy. I have noticed a surge in my ability to feel the love of others in a way I have never known. Romantic love, parental love and just love for a pet activates a part of you that is so unique. But what about the ability to feel the love of others around you? I had no idea when I set out to use this crystal that my meditations would take me in this direction. Not only am I able to love myself better, but I am actually feeling the love that is being showered on me. I have three children- ages 36, 31 and 21. I have wonderful relationships with each of them and they are all quite different. But it is only recently that I am actually able to feel their amazing love that is being sent my way. It's so strong that it makes my breath catch and my eyes fill with tears. Has this always been there? Of course it has, but my ability to sense it this deeply is very new for me. I believe my clear channel has opened me up to this new talent.
Try it for yourself and begin to use crystals in your meditations. Tap into their wondrous power. It is a gift worth giving yourself and may open new doors to the YOU that has been waiting for a visit:)
To learn more about using meditation to connect with yourself please read
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