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As you continue to blend your energy in communication with animals your bond will grow and your auric field will reveal this. Animals can see your auric field. Not only do they use their physical senses such as scent, body language, sound and taste but, they can also see what your vibrational energy field looks like. Can you just imagine how different YOUR world would appear if you could "see" anger, malice, fear in the energy field approaching you? How do I know without a doubt that animals can "see" auric fields? I've had conversations with them and YOU can too.
Although humans have always had this ability to communicate with animals, we have just stopped using it as our society began teaching that man was the head of the food chain. Use your daily meditation
here to erase this thought and begin again. We are equal and WE ARE ONE. We must begin there if we are going to move forward with any plans of helping our planet. Our fellow animals, insects, minerals, plants and all living beings cohabiting this earth, are very much aware of the struggles facing our planet.
By using animal communication you will bring yourself in alignment with the highest good for yourself, others and the planet. Animals can TEACH us how to share natural resources. Humans will continue to guzzle up precious water and igniting havoc among eco systems. They will deplete, poison and destroy greedily as animals and other living entities suffer. Not all do this for the mere sake of killing our planet, they feel they are striving forward with commerce that will improve society…but at what cost? If humans do not place the same values on the lives and well being of others sharing our planet, then they are only speeding up the demise of Mother Earth.
Animal Communication Lesson 2
Begin now and find an animal in nature. Sit quietly in their energy and allow them to feel your calmness. You are blending into their vibration sending them love. Your thoughts are peaceful, serene and non-confrontational. You are just a friend passing by. You may never see this particular animal again, perhaps it is a chipmunk, a frog or a chickadee. It does not matter it is very capable of communicating with you, and will , if IT chooses to.
Let us review how to communicate with this creature you are sitting beside. I outlined it in the last blog.
You will begin with a prayer of silence asking for protection as you open up to the ether world. This is what I use:
To my highest guides and helpers second to none
Please protect me at this time of meditation
Knowing that everything that is said, heard, felt or sensed is with absolute love
as I blend with my conscious and become one with my spirit.
I wish to communicate with this animal and I ask for your assistance in bringing this about.
I thank ALL THAT IS.
This is a non-domesticated creature that you are trying to connect with. Take note of its appearance and compliment them for their beauty, strength, keen eyesight or whatever attributes you find attractive.
You may now continue with your eyes closed or open (I do it eyes closed as it keeps me in the zone.) Next, begin sending thoughts of LOVE to the animal. See this love energy as white light washing over the animal. Feel the connection as this white light continues to bath the animal and sink into this sensation of absolute LOVE. You may begin to feel a bit emotional, this is perfectly normal. This emotion is your heart energy opening up and blending with this beautiful creature.
Ask permission to speak with the animal. You may get a sensation of a wall or a block, if so thank the animal and try again later. You have just felt what it is to get a "busy signal" or "not now." You may get a warm comfortable sensation and this is a "yes."
Start by being perfectly still in this space and send thoughts that make the animal feel safe in your presence. They can also SEE your auric field and will sense that you are a being that truly cares.
You can ask a question. Imagine your question floating within a bubble and send it to the animal.
Trust that the animal has heard you and wait.
Keep the question very simple and focus on the feelings and reason surrounding your question.
You may find your animal friend is quite happy foraging for food in your midst and will speak to you on the task at hand, or it may want to share its opinion on the needs of the planet. How it communicates with its ancestors and what they have taught it about harmonizing with the earth. What are the best plants for medicinal needs? What vitamins are lacking in the soil? How can WE WORK TOGETHER to bring about positive changes to our planet?
I don't expect you will having deep conversations with turtles straight off, however in time and with practice you will learn to connect. You will be sitting quietly in nature and setting your mind on communicating with wildlife and you will slowly begin to use your gifts. You will receive Thoughts, Sounds, Tastes, Scents, Images and Feelings all creating COMMUNICATION. If you choose, you can ACT upon this gift of animal communication and become a part of this new world. A world where animals and ALL inhabitants sharing our planet live in harmony seeking what is best for ALL.
Remember to journal every session. Always end with gratitude sending the animal love. If possible you may try and capture their image using a camera (although I rarely carry one when doing this work as I like to UN-PLUG) and you can re-visit this animal again and again. You can just close your eyes and do this remotely. You do it the same way as if you are sitting beside them only you are focusing on an image, reminding yourself of their energy and you can open the communication.
In my next blog we will discuss communicating with animals in Spirit. Learn to connect with a dear friend that once walked (or swam or flew) beside you and open up to their LOVE energy. They too are very wise and can offer much guidance as you continue your journey.
To learn more about meditation please read How to Begin.
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