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The Clair’s spirits explanations of how they choose to communicate with us.
It been a while since my fingers have hit the keys to write an article and its usually when they feel they would like us to pay attention or learn a life lesson in a way that can sometimes be funny childlike or even in story form with personification.
My posts or blogs give another opinion or outlook to a situation or event it like have you thought about it this way.
So on to my most last Sunday I was asked to provide a church demonstration at a local spiritualist church. Part of the service is to give a talk or an address a message from spirit which can be linked either to a reading song or just a conversation that they want to talk about.
This particular evening I was given communication. So I then asked what my subject to share was. I was given the Clairs I asked what they want they meant surely it was not sharing a reading with a couple of previous sitters who also shared the name Claire.
No was their reply.
We want you to talk about how a medium or sensitive soul works with spirit and the gifts that they have for communicating with us. Clair is a French word for being clear.
Now I knew exactly what they wanted. It was to explain about words used by psychics and mediums to describe what they see feel know hear sense touch, smell taste. Like our senses spirit also works with us through them.
Now what I was surprise to learn that there are up to 10 of them most have 3 or four strong senses. Others have one or two and use some of the others.
I will list them for you some again you would have heard others you might have not thought about.
Clear knowledge is when a person has psychic knowledge without any physical explanation or reason. Claircognizance includes precognition and retro cognition – knowledge of the future and knowledge of the past. I use this a lot to be honest I did not realise just how much I know for me this is just second nature I trust and I speak what I am given I able to do this on a mediumship level as well as a psychic one.
The ability to see objects, actions, or events distant from the present without the use of eyes is called clairvoyance. It transcends time and space and may be a result of what is seen through the third eye (s. Again I see spirit I have done since birth so I use this also in a reading
This is the ability to perceive sounds or words and extrasensory noise from sources broadcasting from the spiritual or ethereal realm. These tones exist beyond the reach of rational human experience and beyond the limitations of ordinary space and time. I hear in my head some will call this telepathic it makes so much sense when I am in a conversation it can at times get a few strange looks especially when it looks like I am talking to myself. I also hear sounds and vibrations of not just the earth plain but also of the spiritual realms.
This refers to a person's ability to acqu

listen, learn, be.
ire knowledge by feeling. A person who feels the vibration of other people, animals, and places is clairsentient. There are many degrees of clairsentience, ranging from the perception of thoughts and emotions in others to their illnesses and injuries. So this happens when I pick up not only of peoples feeling or issues I can also feel their pains and emotions or just a gut reaction lots of us have this Clair and we use it without thinking.
Clairsalience, also known as clairscent or clairscentency How many of you have smelt home cooking beer, cigarettes, flowers. When there is no smell there in this instance spirit is showing a memory flash it uses taste and familiar smells to communication a person or memory for me this often personal and its just a nice reminder that spirit is around.
Clairtangency is psychometry. The clairtangent handles an object or touches something and in doing so knows information about the object or its owner or its history that was not known beforehand. Clairtangency can also apply to touching a living being. I always thought of this one as Psychometry. I have picked up photos, leads, and jewellery and picked up messages from it. The persons energy is still with in it and it gives comfort.
This was a new one for me as I understand it through a person touch or hold hands they build up a link between here and the spirit world. Now I personally feel that this is very much used once a strong build-up of communication has already been proven and that the medium already has been able to give clear proof of who they have with them. That’s not to say it should not be used just its still another way of communicating.
I had not heard of this one only that sometimes you can get a taste in your mouth without a food being eaten. I have felt it once or twice but it usually left a bad taste in my mouth.
Again another new one that I can understand and relate too I see this one as someone being a sensitive and have feelings of emotion which in turn releases the energy of the sitter to relate how another person felt or is feeling depending on if this psychic reading.
So here you have it I hope it helps you clarify what your reader is using or saying when you are having a reading or a demonstration. If you see an advert for a Clairvoyant and they say they see spirit that is a tool spirit uses with them for communication on the earth plane. You may also feel that this has sparked some of your own feelings on how spirit is around us at all times leaving notes moving keys hiding rings and burning cakes.
I could write lots more but for today this is my blog I hope you have found it interesting and will give you a great insight to when you next visit a medium. It could be me. I do readings all over the world skype and the internet as well as in person.
Thank you for listening to me and taking the time to read my post from spirit
March 7th 2019
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