Sun,11 Jan 2015
For want of a nail the shoe was lost.
For want of a shoe the horse was lost.
For want of a horse the rider was lost.
For want of a rider the message was lost.
For want of a message the battle was ...Read More
Sun,20 Apr 2014
In England today there are chocolate eggs and rabbits. In France the church bells are silent as the bells of St Peter’s fly to the children, tied with ribbons and flowers. Across the world images that...Read More
Sat,16 Nov 2013
I couldn’t sleep. I’d gone to bed early and spent most of the night in that liminal state between dream and waking when the mind treads strange pathways, watching itself, while the body rests as if in...Read More
Thu,14 Nov 2013
One of my all-time favourite fantasy cycles is the Chronicles of Thomas Covenant by Stephen Donaldson. They were the first adult fantasy books I ever read other than the classics such as Tolkien. My g...Read More
Sat,10 Aug 2013
I have fairies at the bottom of my garden.
No, I haven’t lost the plot. Yes, they do look rather like bees, bugs and butterflies. Outwardly at least. But actually, in the reality I have chosen for ...Read More
Sat,26 Jan 2013
With the Silent Eye’s launch weekend coming up in April, a point was made that these things can be daunting for anyone who has never attended an esoteric workshop and who may have absolutely no idea w...Read More
Fri,25 Jan 2013
I’m not really very good at this living alone business. Not on a practical level anyway. I have no problem wielding a screwdriver or drill, brandishing a paintbrush or whizzing around with the lawnmow...Read More
Fri,11 Jan 2013
Esoteric Schools are for those seeking personal transformation. They should not be discussion groups for a general ranging across a wide field of different approaches. The value of a true school lies...Read More
Sat,22 Dec 2012
There were three conversations yesterday about essentially the same subject. Three viewpoints, three different perspectives. And a blog post that I just scrapped as over-complicated.
When we began...Read More
Thu,20 Dec 2012
She’s a bit under the weather at present, so I thought I’d give her a break and write today’s blog for her. She found the prospect of having to walk to the village shop at six o’clock this morning les...Read More
Sat,08 Dec 2012
I had occasion today to delve into the depths of old diaries. I had kept them on and off for years, but when I went to work in France in 1981 my mother bought me an A4 book and suggested I keep a reco...Read More
Sat,24 Nov 2012
“We were not Gods, but were of God, the strands of our existence not yet teased apart by Becoming, our function not yet defined.”
So much for Saturday evening... the night of the week most folk sit...Read More
Tue,20 Nov 2012
I read an article by a friend this morning… and last night there was a photograph, evidence of something I personally can only see as a miracle.
In a nominally Christian country we grow up with tal...Read More
Mon,19 Nov 2012
So the scene is set for the Silent Eye School’s first weekend workshop.
The venue a beautiful place in the hills of Derbyshire. The dates booked and fixed… and we now have a story for a dramatic w...Read More
Thu,15 Nov 2012
Thrust naked into an unknown world, fear must be our first instinctive emotion. It follows us through childhood with night terrors, monsters under the bed and spiders that stalk us in the shower. It a...Read More
Mon,22 Oct 2012
It may look as if I have taken the weekend off. No such luck. There may not have been a new entry to the blog but the keyboard has been working overtime. Even now, when I finally got to bed around hal...Read More
Wed,17 Oct 2012
Images are emotional Viagra.
For some reason at four am this morning the Powers That Be decided to wake me and tell me so. It wasn’t a dream. Just woke with the idea, quite suddenly and clearly f...Read More
Sun,14 Oct 2012
This morning is full of contrasts. I have been awake a couple of hours, long enough to walk the dog and check the various inboxes that now populate my desktop. Outside it is freezing cold, the cars h...Read More
Thu,11 Oct 2012
My dog is sulking. Not only because it is raining and she objects to rain, but because of my perceived defection.
Since we began work on the School she has accepted that the sofa is now hers alone ...Read More
Wed,10 Oct 2012
On Facebook this morning was a lovely picture of a golden sky. My attention, as my friend of the Glastonbury jaunt will tell you (pithily I suspect after seeing me make a beeline for anything solar co...Read More
Fri,05 Oct 2012
There are days when things just come together and a leap forward seems to happen all on its own. It doesn’t of course… events always happen because someone behind the scenes has been busy. But that do...Read More
Thu,04 Oct 2012
I am just back from spending a few days in Somerset with a dear friend whom I see too seldom. We shared a few days in Glastonbury, birthplace and setting of so many iconic myths and legends in England...Read More
Sat,29 Sep 2012
I have been thinking a lot lately. You may have noticed. Not that my mind often stops. It sleeps occasionally, though even my dreams are busy. Sometimes it goes into abeyance and I stand back and watc...Read More
Sat,29 Sep 2012
It has been a very busy week. Work on and for our new school of consciousness, The Silent Eye has picked up a new momentum and we are finally seeing much of what we have worked on quietly behind the s...Read More
Fri,28 Sep 2012
Last night we finally got the go ahead on the publication of our book from Datura Press, New York.
"The Mystical Hexagram: The Seven Inner Stars of Power" by Dr G.Michael Vasey and S.C.Vincent ( ye...Read More
Thu,27 Sep 2012
I have decided I can no longer move without a pen and paper to hand. The intensity of the process of building the school carries into every nook and cranny of one’s life. From the pained look on the p...Read More
Sat,22 Sep 2012
On Thursday 18th of October we will be giving our first public talk on the Temple of the Moment.
“The Temple of the Moment is achieved by following a series of life-changing steps. These have been...Read More
Thu,20 Sep 2012
“There was a time when we did not walk the Earth.” This is the first line from a new book, a work in progress, to be published in due course by The Silent Eye.
Not walking the earth may also be a f...Read More
Sun,12 Jul 2009
My son was attacked and horrifically stabbed in the head 8 days ago.In the English seaside town of Bournemouth where he lives and works. He is a bright, intelligent young man with a good future before...Read More
Sat,25 Apr 2009
A young friend recently asked what are the ‘rules’ for studying occultism.
Silence... there is power in silence. Some things simply should not be spoken of and their experience diluted with words.....Read More
Sat,28 Mar 2009
Ok, so I could have taken the main road... but the lanes were more inviting.Spring always gets me.. a yearning in the pit of the stomach, a deep-seated desire for the moors that are a couple of hundre...Read More
Sun,15 Feb 2009
So, its the one day of the year when we show our loved ones, often at considerable cost, how much we care for them....
There are other days in the year, good days and bad days. A relationship, in o...Read More
Wed,28 Jan 2009
Where exactly do we cross those lines in our quest that mark the next chapter of our journey? I can only speak for myself, but there is, I think, a pattern to these things.
As a child I was fascin...Read More
Wed,21 Jan 2009
My youngest son, Alex, was clipped by a lorry on his motorbike on Sunday.
He managed to stay on the bike and keep it upright and get out of the way. He rode a little way and parked the bike in fro...Read More
Thu,15 Jan 2009
Five years ago one of my dearest friends, and a man with an endless capacity for love, died in tragic circumstances. He was manic depressive and going through a dark time.
We met when I was workin...Read More
Fri,19 Dec 2008
Like Golden Flower, I have studied the Qabalah and the Tree of Life for decades. First, at an intellectual level in my teens, then, as the seeds that were planted grew in my heart, from what I suppose...Read More
Tue,16 Dec 2008
We are approaching Midwinter, the longest night and the Solstice, heralding a new year. All over the world, and throughout the whole spectrum of faith and belief, midwinter is celebrated as a time of ...Read More
Tue,09 Dec 2008
Or can it?
It occurred to me that my late husband had died 9 years ago already. Yet, even with the pain, he was very young when he died, both physically and mentally, just 54.
I passed 50 a few ...Read More
Sun,30 Nov 2008
I recently set up a new website for Spiritual artists worldwide. The Hearthfire was born following a conversation between myself and Heather Charnley. Although we have never met, we found we shared a ...Read More
Tue,25 Nov 2008
It is cold and grey here today… the weather is being very English, with that insidious, almost invisible rain that soaks you to the skin. The tables of the chocolaterie are deserted on the pavement op...Read More
Fri,21 Nov 2008
Autumn has come and almost gone, in a riot of gold and scarlet. Rivulets of bronze, like hoards of spilled treasure, line the lanes through the beech woods and clouds come down to wrap the hilltops in...Read More
Sun,09 Nov 2008
No matter what our views on the futility or injustice of war, dictated by neccessity, greed, prejudice or the defense of the oppressed, it happens. Today, all over Britain and in countless cities and ...Read More
Sun,09 Nov 2008
Once again I am being dug in the ribs at ungodly hours, with comments like, “Tell them to go away or phone you when you’re awake.”
Over the years it has become a regular occurrence that, in periods...Read More
Mon,03 Nov 2008
Life can be a hard task master.
We all feel pain at some point in our lives, physical, mental or emotional, and we have to learn to deal with it. It is going to happen. No matter how hard we try to...Read More
Sat,11 Oct 2008
S.C.Vincent is a Yorkshire born painter and writer, currently living in the gentle landscape of Buckinghamshire. Much of her work is a response to the images that arise during meditation or the scenes...Read More
Thu,02 Oct 2008
Door of Dreams
Would you walk the corridor of dreams,
Into the dark and unknown inner places,
Where silent voices whisper your desires
From unkissed lips upon amorphous faces?
Dare you cross ...Read More
Fri,05 Sep 2008
Dawn is coming later as the year draws to a close. This morning I drove my partner to work at 5.30 as usual… then took a detour to the Beacon at Ivinghoe to watch the dawn. The Whipsnade lion, a massi...Read More
Wed,03 Sep 2008
At the bottom of my garden, just outside the fence, stands a tall and ancient chestnut tree. It towers above the rooftops, filling the view from the windows and overhanging most of my garden. It is ol...Read More
Tue,26 Aug 2008
William Blake said," If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing would appear to man as it is, infinite. For man has closed himself up, till he sees all things through narrow chinks of hi...Read More
Thu,14 Aug 2008
I have always been aware of magic. A strange, eclectic upbringing allowed me to grow without religious prejudice in a world where Bast and barguests were as possible as any other cat or dog and where ...Read More
Thu,07 Aug 2008
The Hairy Healers
The early death of my husband and friend since childhood had devastated our little family. We had fought cancer together for years, with laughter and water pistols and general sil...Read More
Thu,31 Jul 2008
The Bible tells us to become as a little child. Whether or not we start from a Christian viewpoint, this is good advice. Children see the world as an uncomplicated place in many ways. Things have a si...Read More