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Artwork by David Delamare
Are you satisfied with your working life? Or do you feel there is something ‘more’ for you, where you will feel more fulfilled in your career? You can work with the fairies to help you unleash your talents and incorporate them into a real job! I will share some ways to work with the fae, So that a possible new career path can become clear.
If you feel unfulfilled in your working life, don’t worry, you won’t be the first! The good news is that you can do something about it. With a little help from our fairy friends, you can take hold of the reigns of your working life, so that you feel that your creativity has an outlet, and you could even make a living too!
Perhaps you have a untapped talent that has yet to surface. The fairies are very creative beings, and magic is their go-to skill! With their help you could find the perfect job or career path for yourself.
It’s important to be practical too, so you could start by grabbing a pen and paper and start making a list of all the things that you enjoy. Then look at your current employment and see how many things on your wish list are actually involved in your daily working life? It’s important to be honest with yourself.
Is there anything that you can do now to incorporate some of these things into your work? Perhaps it’s time to branch out alone and start your own business. Not everyone is cut out for this, but maybe you are?
Purely as an exercise of the imagination, if you could do anything you wanted for a job, what would it be? Honesty is the key here, as it will give you deep insights into where you wish to be in the future.
Many of us spend eight hours a day working, so wouldn’t it be great to do something you really love. Imagine waking up everyday and genuinely looking forward to going to work. What if your job was your life’s purpose! How fab would that be.
The fairies are happy to work with us on many things, as long as you approach them with a sincere heart, and not for selfish reasons. They can be wonderful allies and help to open fairy doors in our human world.
You need to be very clear about your intention, and it’s also good to meet them half-way, show willing, as this is YOUR life! So be pro-active and create the life that you want with a little help from our fairy friends!
Fairies are creative and magical beings, so creative visualisation is a wonderful way to work with them. Firstly call in your guardian angel to protect you during any meditation exercise. This can be done simply by stating your intention out loud or in your mind. Your guardian angel will ensure you are connecting with the fairies of love and light for the highest good of all.
Now light a candle, a scented one would be perfect as fairies love flowers and the fragrance will draw them near. Then from your heart, and in sincerity say,
“Dear fairies of love and light, please inspire me to find the best career path. So that I maybe fulfilled and happy in my daily work. And, if there is anything that I might do in return for your guidance, please let me know. Thank you.”
Then leave a small offering, perhaps a flower, a small crystal, or a personal item that means something special to you.
It is now a matter of being patient, as fairy guidance can come in many forms, so it’s important to be still and receptive to any ideas that may impress you, perhaps the words of a song on the radio, just be receptive and aware.
When working with the fairies there are never any guarantees. Those who dwell in the fae realms have egos, and are not here for our beck and call. Like us, they too have free wills, so if they feel inspired to help you they will, otherwise be prepared to help yourself. They will like that too! Plus you might even find some extra fairy magic coming your way!
This article was written for and featured in the November issue of Soul & Spirit magazine 2017.
Karen Kay is a former BBC news editor who is now a Fairyologist. She organises fairy events, and owns her own fairy magazine. She has produced several fairy and meditation CD’s for relaxation and manifestation. Karen has been working with fairies and angels since she was a young girl. Visit to find out more.
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