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You are the beings of the universe and are holding the transformation of the energy of the higher-level not only within you but everywhere around you and on this planet.
You are the embodiment of the universal beams of lights and you along with others are helping to bring about the transformation of the light on Earth, taking it from the deepest dark into the lightest light this is happening over this next period, as time moves into 2025.
The energy coming in is re-ordering the chromosomes of every living thing on and within the planet which is changing the order of life according to their pattern, this is how life is changing.
On reflection and remembering about the fact that we are all connected with the energy of the universe and being reminded about Carl Yung's series of books about the mind and consciousness connection to all, it occurs to me that many have reached a stage of heaven on earth within through the practice of everything that they have done and understood.
Now, as a light being and are consciously aware of the levels of energy fields that you can access through thoughts, meditation, relaxation, and positive creation, you are able to create heaven on earth for others through practising this.
As you do this, it will feed into the auric belts that surround
Earth and all living things, MIND BELT, GOLBAL MIND and MENTAL BELT by consciously working on the fact that everything is connected.
This means that what you think and feel affects the whole of the humanity, even though you are not always consciously aware of it.
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