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The holographic simulation is breaking down ready for the new one:
I/we are very spaced out in our head heart and body... so expanded I we the field.
We asked if the outer fields are penetrating the holographic simulation... is it a possibility?
Is the main beam altering so the pictures can change? How would that work?
We can feel this inside the physical body! It feels like excitement and anxiety, it’s a ridiculous idea.
No! Its Not! We are being told...It’s how the world can come into the next level of being and reduce the old ways.
To change anything it has to start somewhere, these outer fields and the connection to the light workers etc. are being changed... they are altering the holographic setup on earth by their own enlightenment, every soul is absorbing these outer streams into their physical body.
It is altering the light beams that are responsible for the holographic illusion on earth; you are feeling this change in your heart and are expanding you self out to this light, that why you feel so strange.
The message is spreading unlimited, into a swath of new souls, who are ready to welcome and receive this new data, and the light codes that go with it... it is being assimilated by us the higher beings.
All you need to do is receive, and hold this vibration on earth all the time.
Consciously think, that it is securing this frequency, into the old bubble of the old holographic simulation, making it wobble a lot, feel it as it becomes so unstable, that it will disintegrate and the new’ forms around it from the inside by all star seeds and the by us in the outside. Remember it is on the multi dimensions.
We are on the outside penetrating it, and you and the others are perforating it from the inside, it is setting the divine light at the same time... between us; it is transforming into its next lighter level of existence.
The ones who persistently performs negative action, will find them self being side-lined... reduced in all their power from within.
The holographic earths matrix is transforming... breaking up and allowing the light of truth to show its self.
There will still be atrocities happening for a while yet; it will take generations for the old ways to completely die out, but here... now... at this time... the new is being set and will only grow.
You are human... there will be times when you get completely fed up, angry, jealous and judgmental, but there are also times when you feel your heart felt love growing, and expanding into your true self from the spark within, these times are when you are making the difference, to bring in the new age light into the old third dimensional illusion, and making it wobble so much, that is will disintegrate as the love of the new... from your focus takes over.
Every one is helping with this in a conscious or unconscious way.... humanity is the creator of all things ... and when this is done consciously with the heart brain love coherence it is bringing it on.
Inspired bytes:
You are all conduits for the anchoring of these waves... fields... streams... into inner earth Agatha and Gaia.
Blessing... given with great love: x
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