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As many of you will know we have a general blue print of the potential lessons to achieve in the current life time. However we're also given free will to allow us to make good or bad decisions within the scope of our general blue print, although our blue print can dramatically change if another unplanned outcome will sparks others on a much larger scale to do something positive. Essentially with every decision no matter how big or small we are given a choice of taking a negative or positive decision which will lead to a path of Love or Fear. If we learn to tune into our thoughts and watch them so we have enough time to recognise if they are motivated by Love or Fear then great things will happen. We all know that Fear leads to many other negative emotions such as ANGER, HATE, GREED & JEALOUSY etc. We all have the inner wisdom and knowledge (if we allow ourselves to tune in) to become our own ascended masters.
The goal here is to operate from a place of NO FEAR. The less fear you have, the higher your rate of vibration and state of consciousness. Something quite marvelous happens when we operate from this higher place. Your thoughts start to have much more power to manifest things in your life due the higher rate of vibration, although you have to also master the ability to know and believe something is TRUE implicitly. The reverse is also true, if you operate from a place of FEAR then your vibration is very low indeed and doesn't have the same power to manifest things. On a mass consciousness scale we really need to start operating more from the higher planes of thought so we have power and love to make positive changes to ourselves and the planet. The more people who operate from NON-FEAR, then the more powerful our gifts of manifestation will be.
The problem we have today is that the news is saturated with fearful experiences that lead people to buy into more fear, affectively dragging themselves down to a lower vibration. Some people believe that others can harm you with their negative thoughts. The only person who can really harm you from negative thinking IS YOU. The person sending the negative thought is actually harming themselves not you. If you choose to believe they are harming you then they will. But only because you chose to believe it and let yourself experience fear and not be in a centered place. If you are a centered person then you will be immune to any toxic thoughts gathered in the astral plane formed by our collective minds. People who of are off center and who's polarity is more geared towards the negative can be effected which in turns leads to more negative behavior by these individuals. The problem we have is that fear is like a cancer that spreads rapidly, the more people who choose to experience it will drag the collective consciousness down, the gift of creating and manifesting will not be as powerful which may lead to more environmental catastrophes, Earth changes and wars. Of course the opposite is also true, less disasters, less wars. SO PLEASE JUST TAKE A MOMENT AND WATCH YOUR THOUGHTS, ARE YOU MAKING A DECISION BASED ON LOVE (raising overall consciousness) OR FEAR (lowering overall consciousness). It's not just "Evil" people that build upon the collective lower energies, it's all of us when we experiences negative emotions. Please take a look at the symbol above and use it as a trigger, look at the white part and see it as making a decision based on LOVE and black is a decision based on FEAR. We are our own masters, others can't do it for us.
Some pointers to help you:
FEAR Leads to Anger
FEAR Leads to Greed
FEAR Leads to Hate
FEAR Leads to No Self Worth
FEAR Leads to Jealousy
FEAR Leads to Discrimination/Segregation
FEAR Leads to Self Destruction through Drink or Drugs
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