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Super Nova Pyrite
Super Nova Pyrite (Pyrite with Graphite)
This unusual new find off Himalayas Pyrite has a nodular form and has some graphite to the surface.
Pyrite is a mineral that is commonly found in sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous rocks around the world. Its nodular form and the presence of graphite on its surface suggest that this particular pyrite deposit may have formed under unique geological conditions.
Pyrite nodules are often found in sedimentary rocks, such as shales, and are formed by the precipitation of iron sulfide minerals from seawater or other aqueous solutions. The nodular form suggests that the pyrite in this deposit may have formed in a similar manner.
The presence of graphite on the surface of the pyrite may be indicative of the conditions under which it formed. Graphite is often associated with metamorphic rocks and may suggest that the pyrite in this depo

Super Nova Pyrite
sit was subjected to high temperatures and pressures during its formation.
Further analysis of this unusual pyrite deposit may provide valuable insights into the geological processes that shaped the Himalayas and the mineral resources that are present in the region.
????That of ‘Illusion & Reality’, supports the being in recognizing and learning the difference, and wisdom, between Illusion and Reality.
Pyrite helps the being to see what is real and what is Illusion, but not without a journey into the deepest areas of the mind first.
A stone that lets the being see deeper into what is all around, to see past physical reality; may it be that is an Illusion or not ?
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