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Scalar streams… another view: I am convinced that this energy can be accessed by myself so that I can receive the healing power of it, there is no evidence for this other than the powers that be are making machines and selling it as an expensive healing aid to this who can afford it.
It is being used commercially in different ways.
We live in a free world and the energies that prevail are there for all of us, there will be no physical proof of the scalar light that can be accepted by the scientific world, but I can do my own modal and form a theory and have the proof in my own well-being.
It is a form of energy that Nickola Tesla was testing all of them years ago.
The stream of scalar energy is out there waiting to be used by everyone on earth and humanity for healing, this is unknown info that has been rejected because it will not ‘fit’ into the expected scientific dogma, the call its pseudoscience.
Radical thoughts go against all other thoughts on this,
so, I am going to set up my own idea on this and create a model and work by it for a time to see if it pans out, I am going to keep running with this until it becomes clearer.
I know this might sound odd… but am I manifesting the already scalar light energy into the physical knowledge of the collective consciousness of mankind so that it can be open for all peoples.
Working on the assumption that all knowledge is here and always has been, it’s time to unfold another layer of knowledge that is hidden in our universe.
It does not matter that it’s been hidden by our own peoples who want control, or that it has been hidden because the timeline has not been aligned in the right way.
For whatever the reason it is now that the timeline for this data is to be brought into the open, the same as all other enlightening ideas that have been thought about and hidden over the years.
The guidance for this ‘bit’ of info is being recognise by my higher being as part of the manifestation into the new age of freedom, and is it being guided by the galactic souls who we are a part of, as being their ground crew to do this, to help open the minds of others to the potential and possibilities of the magic life we are living in.
There are all these different ways of unfolding our mind into the unknown and becoming aware of these innate abilities that are all part of the same design from the divine plan from the greater intelligence.
It’s up to each person to decide if they want to merge with them, by this we mean use all the different systems and bring them together as one, this will be the best outcome.
Radical ideas that have been overlooked in our history, because the scientists are shackled by the accepted academia system.
There is ancient info that is written all over the world in stone obelisk and buildings that cannot be explained, images that are interpreted as being the same type of ancient people and buildings across the world.
Its glaringly obvious that we are missing vital info and are not putting the research into these for all to see.
The reason I am saying this is because of the way I feel about it, I have strong feeling for the need to put this data out onto the open platform for others to see, although I am only one person with a big feeling of urgency, we are all connected, so it will not only be me, but it is also being brought into the collective fields as knowledge and understood so that others can begin to do the same.
As I look around me and interact with others and come up against a wall of disbelief, I wonder why I feel so strongly about the injustices and want do give another opinion.
It is because there must be those who are open minded so that the whole collective can move forwards.
We are all galactic no matter how we have been controlled by the powers that be, look into the heart and find the god spark or the divine intelligence or the galactic star child, allow it to come to the surface so that it can have its voice in the beautiful world of divine order, and let the controllers know that we are a force to be reckoned with in our silence, because we are the divine children of the higher source and nobody can deny it.
As the old third dimensional illusions break down and is being slowly replace by the new way of thinking the unfoldment of these ancient ways are coming into the collective now, changing at the timeline of this sacred cycle 2022-23-24.
Thank you listening and I am going to carry on with the strong feeling that there is something to share with the world if people want to listen.
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