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Pyritised Twig? (Fossil Wood)
These pyritised twigs were found beneath the cliffs and foreshore, known as The Naze, Walton-on the-Naze, Essex in the UK. The fossiliferous clays and sands of The Naze have provided experts with evidence of prehistoric life and conditions of over 54 million years ago.
The pyritised twigs are the remains of trees millions of years old that have toppled over the eroding cliff face into the clay and sand below. The world of yesteryear would have been a very different world than the world we now know. Southern England was then located much closer to the equator than it is today with lush land covered in tropical vegetation. The seas would have been warmer with flourishing marine life, not the diminishing underwater world we have come to hear of in our times.
The pyritised twigs have known and lived in this bygone world, a world free fr

Pyritised Twig? (Fossil Wood)
om pollution, toxins, science and technology. A world with pure fresh air for both nature and mankind to share.
A world free from man-made poisonous gases that kill and maim, fumes that fill our atmosphere in the name of progress. Is mother nature presenting us with a glimpse of the world we once had and have lost?
Making us aware of a world that we need to take more care of, be aware of, as she too is dying if we continue as we are, destructing all before us.
To just hold a piece of pyritised twig is a reminder of how humanity has affected our planet through various forms of destruction of both species and indeed each other.
These twigs feel as if they may as well have come from another planet unrecognisable from the world of today. They invite us to connect through them to realise that things just have to change.
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