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The human body is an energy system. Both the ancients and the modern scientist agree that everything in life is formed of vibration. Vibration is the movement of sub-atomic particles called electrons and protons that are contained within atoms and molecules that every substance consists of. Vibration exists in objects, in animals, in people and in the atmosphere around us.
The human body is made up of energy fields which surround and emanate energy and interact with the physical body and its various functions.
The Meridians
We have channels of energy called meridians which connect the organ systems with each other and supply the entire body with life energy. When an unhindered flow of energy is possible and we take in enough energy, we are physically and psychologically healthy. However, if there are disorders or blocks in the energy flow, certain parts of the body are under supplied as a result.
The meridians are supplied by vortexes of energy called chakras which collect energy from the aura that is all around us.
The Aura (Subtle Bodies)
The aura is comprised of two parts - subtle bodies and energy emanations. The subtle bodies are bands of energy of varying intensity and vibration that surround and interpenetrate with the physical body.
All of the organs, tissues and systems within our body are comprised of similarly vibrating atoms. If something such as an allergen or contaminated food substance enters the body, it can alter the normal vibrational pattern of the body or a particular system. Along the same line, an unbalanced emotional or mental attitude can create a misalignment of the subtle bodies with the physical, altering the normal vibrational pattern of the body.
When there is balance, the body is more effective in eliminating toxins and negativity that can hinder our body processes. We need to re-instil a proper flow of energy. Many times we fail to realise that the body knows how to take care of itself. Unfortunately, we do get in its way. We give it the wrong kinds of food, overwork it and don’t allow it to rest. We expose it to stress and negativity, hold onto emotions and attitudes that can short circuit its energy flow, causing weaknesses and imbalances.
We may be affected by any energy around us, and will either resonate or repel as such. This includes the food we eat, the air we breathe as well as the environment and p

eople we are exposed to.
Your physical body does not function on its own, but is connected to your behavioural choices in life, your emotions, thoughts, attitudes and beliefs as well as to your sense of purpose or meaning in life.
Every thought and feeling you have is translated into chemical messenger molecules known as neuropeptides, neurotransmitters and steroid based hormones. These three groups of compounds are called ligands which comes from the root ligare - “to bind”, meaning that they bind the invisible world of thought and feeling with the physical world of flesh and bone.
We often ignore the body’s cry for help, for something to change to reduce the stress on the body.
In order to achieve optimal health, you must learn to identify and listen to the powerful voice of wisdom within you. It cries out to help guide you in making the right decisions for your health, for your life, for your career, for your spiritual happiness and for your overall sense of purpose and meaning in life.
Learning how to listen to this voice is the very essence of contacting the healer within.
Our Major Chakras
We have seven major energy centres called chakras that draw spiritual energy into us. The harmonious use of each chakra is essential to our well being, and our wholeness.
The seven major chakras are located near major endocrine organs in the physical body and are connected to the functioning of the endocrine (hormonal) system in the body. They are responsible for processing the spiritual energy into usable energy for the physical body. They do this by changing very high fine vibrations to lower, thus slower, vibrations that can be used by the physical body.
Chakras are fundamental to healing and if we were to study each chakra we would discover which ones needed to be worked with, cleansed or balanced. Then we would have a better understanding of illness and symptoms or states of imbalance that manifest. Imbalances need to be corrected at the deepest, essential level by the individual. This is empowering and deeply transformative. If the person does not change the underlying pattern that caused the dysfunction in the first place then the chakra will go out of balance again.
Normalising and harmonising our chakra functions is important for the healing of specific aspects as well as for increasing our available energy in general and for becoming whole and balanced.
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