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Mindfulness works in two ways: firstly it is simply being in the moment and focusing your attention on what you are doing. It means that you don’t think about other things when you are doing something. Concentrate on what you are doing, think about what you are doing, and not the past or the future or anything else you need to do. Live in the moment, so that you don’t worry over and over about things that have happened in the past. If there is something you can do about it, do it, but if not put it behind you, forgive yourself when you have made mistakes. Try not to worry about the future, make plans, have goals, but don’t worry too much, if you think of things going wrong, think of what you will do in those events, then put it aside. If it hasn’t happened, there is no point worrying repeatedly about it. Be gentle with yourself. Be kind to yourself. You will find things easier to do, tasks easier to finish, if you focus on what you are doing at the time, and not what you need to do next, or how much you have to do. You only have one pair of hands, unless you can delegate, if you can delegate some task, that might be helpful. I paid a gardener to get rid of the weeds in my garden last Saturday, it didn’t cost me a lot, and it was done in an hour, whilst I did the washi

ng up which had piled up in the kitchen.
If you are learning to be mindful and you have a lot of things to do, it helps to make a list. So that you can do one thing and focus your attention on that one thing, then when it is done, go on to the next thing you need to do.
Secondly, it can also mean relaxing totally, so when you want to relax and not do anything, relax your thoughts as well. So that you can just listen to the sounds around you, or some music, and let those sounds fill where your thoughts would be, then if you think of anything, let the thoughts drift by like clouds, and you don’t have to follow them or add to them. Be none judgemental when you think something, view the thoughts you have, and acknowledge your feelings. If you have thoughts that are of an anxious or stressful nature, follow each thought with a positive thought about the circumstance you are worried about. Follow each negative thought with a thought about a good outcome to a worrying situation, follow each negative thought with a thought of how it could work out well, and how you could handle the situation in a way that would be good for you. You can choose to think thoughts that make you feel better.
So in these ways, you will reduce worrying, stress and anxiety.
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