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Meditation CD
Three years ago I was enjoying everything that one could possibly imagine and aspire to as a working medium. I was travelling everywhere demonstrating my ability to bring messages from the spirit world, which I adored. I was enjoying writing in many magazines, teaching every thing I could to help nurture developing mediums and healers and sharing my knowledge. I lived and breathed my vocation enjoying the miracles that the spirit world, my guides and the angel realms could bring.
Then on one day in a split second three years ago, my whole life changed. I had a road accident that has left me on most days completely incapacitated. On immediate impact severe symptoms started leading to a diagnosis of ME and Fibromyalgia.
So, lost are the demonstrations, the readings, the workshops, the retreats, the travelling and keeping in 'the loop' of being a working medium.
My faith on occasion, I'm honest to admit has been tested.
However as the days go by, there are some remarkable synchronicities that have fallen straight in front of me reminding me that the angels are close by and my loved ones from the spirit world are but a whisper and prayer away.
I suppose that I am trying to say, have knowledge that no matter what happens in life, you are still looked after, you are still being watched. It is us that chooses to switch of from our ethereal loved ones.
What I have gained from my life altering experience is knowing that there is true love, care and beauty in the friends I have around me. When you are struggling in life, these friends come to the fore and shine, being your sun and rainbow when you need them. The friends that fall by the wayside show you in your energy who you should surround yourself by.
I have learned to be kind to myself throughout this experience and for the first time ever put my self, physical, emotional and spiritual, first.
I have learned the true kindness and love of human kind.
I have learned that when your body tells you it needs to be loved, rested and nurtured, then so be it. For how can a tree bear fruit and bloom with out the sun, the rain, oxygen and nutrients. Therefore without us doing that same nurturing, we wither.
I have been able to write my books which I never would have had time for in my 'previous life'
I have spent many hours contemplating my spirituality and my next path with this condition blighting what I would truly love to do, I have had to make changes for the future.
I sit in my own power every day and have learned to be in the present.
I have forgiven myself and others of things that ordinarily we all pile to the back of our consciousness by keeping ourselves busy to avoid dealing with the issues. To eat away at us like a black disease.
I have found peace and a true, pure connection with the angel realms as they silently honour their presence if I am quiet enough to allow.
I see the beauty in a blooming spring bud, I feel the beauty of a spring breeze and I see the wholeness and beauty of those around me.
Mainly bed bound I could sit as I have many times asking 'why me?' stewing in hatred and anger of my situation.
But I chose not to. I sit and create. I sit and think of what ways I can help touch souls from my bed including my own. I write my soul journal teaching me about me everyday. Who I am , what inspires me, what I can do to improve my well being.
So I share this little piece of me to you to say, whatever circumstance you find yourself in, look for the gift within, look for the light through the storm. Reach out as I have never done and accept help from the people that care. Connect closer and more quietly to the Universe, the angels and your loved ones in Spirit. For they are there watching your earth experience just waiting to jump in and help.
Be strong and know that you are loved both here and in the other dimensions.
In October last year, miraculously I was able to do a couple of demonstrations and record in a studio some meditation CD's. something that I had been wanting to do for a very long time.
The opportunity was brought to me out of the blue to make this happen.
In a very small time frame my body and mind enabled me to get through this two weeks and get what needed to be done, done.
Having recorded the CD's, I then came home, collapsed into bed and have been in there ever since.
I know that I was given the strength to do this one project from above. Just one thing to help me fulfill one of my dreams as a medium and spiritual teacher. To record onto a CD a guided meditation from my guide Julianus that I have been teaching in my workshops for many years. A simple but powerful mind focus on how to meet, converse and be lead by your guide/guardian angel or loved one.
How I was able to go to London to record this I will never know, but now the first CD of a new series from The Crystal Project has come into fruition. Many others are to follow.
So my little light in the storm was from October in creating my meditation CD.
I truly hope that you will enjoy listening and developing from it, knowing the story behind it's creation.
Don't give up hope when standing in the darkness. Just don't stand there too long........
Much love
Nicky Alan xx
Take yourself on an incredibly intimate journey to meet the higher beings that watch, guide, nurture and help you on your earthly and spiritual path. Embrace the pure magic of their loving intervention and teachings during this beautiful audio assisted meditation. It is set on an idyllic shore of a magical Island surrounded by crystalline waters.
During her many workshops, this particular meditation was channelled repeatedly from Nicky’s Main Soul Guide Julianus as a simple way to help you develop on your spiritual path and meet your Guides and Guardian Angels.
Not only will your spiritual path be enhanced, you will also experience complete escape into relaxation and serenity bathed in this beautifully enchanting music….
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