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May 2, 2011
GOD Explained for Atheists and Simplified for Theists
Whether God exists or not, before we ask or answer this question, we must be very clear about the fact that what actually we mean by the word ‘God’; otherwise both the question and all answers are meaningless.
In layman’s language when we use this word ‘God’, we mean the creator of this existence. Whether this creator is a person, a power or a process, we will discuss this aspect later. One thing is certain that if the existence is there, then, there must be the process of creation and the driving factors that initiate the process of creation. So, if we consider God as a process of creation, then, even atheists also should not have any problem with this explanation. So, if anyhow, we understand the process of creation, then, we will be able to understand God better that what is God and what God is not.
As far as this process of creation is concerned, there may be two possibilities – first, that this process may be linear and second that it may be cyclic. Again there may be two possible aspects of this process of creation – first, that it may be automated, spontaneous and regulated from within and second, that it may be initiated at a certain point of time scale by an external agency and this whole process of creation may be regulated and sustained by that external agency from outside.
If we observe our nature very acutely, we can very easily see that in this nature, the process of creation and destruction, both are happening simultaneously. Moreover, creation takes place at the platform created by the process of destruction. We see - whatever is created, one day or the other it is destroyed - whether it may be man-made material or natural thing. So, if we consider the process of creation as a linear process, it does not go with our observed reality; because, in this case the amount of materiality required for the process of creation must exceed the materiality created in the process of destruction. And we see the creation and destruction are just the opposite faces of the same coin (process / reality). All materiality is nothing, it is coagulated energy as explained by Einstein famous formula E=mc2. Today, we are well aware of the fact that the matter and energy both can be inter-converted into each other. Everything in this universe is made of these basic things – mass, force of attraction and force of repulsion. Mass and force of repulsion are positive energy; while, the force of attraction is a negative energy. Scientists are amazed at this finding that sum total of all energy existing in this universe is always zero as expressed by the mathematical formula –
This formula means that from any point if we go till infinite in all possible directions, the sum total of the energy of everything existing in this universe is always zero. So, we reach to two very important conclusions – first the process of creation is not linear; it is cyclic. Since it is cyclic, so it is an eternal process. Because the linear process has two distinct points – point of starting and point of end. Since the process of creation is cyclic, hence, it is eternal. It means - this existence will exist forever till eternity, only its form is subject to continuous flux.
Second conclusion we draw from the above fact is that the genesis of the whole existence, the manifested reality, is zero. Everything has emanated from zero. Since everything has come from zero, so, God, the creator, cannot be an external agency. Such a vast existence cannot be regulated and controlled by any external factor from outside. If God is an external agency, then, a very natural question come, what is the genesis of God? Who has made God? It means that there is a more powerful agency than God. And this way, this question is extended to the point of no answer at all. So, God, the factor to start the process of creation, has to be an intrinsic factor, not extrinsic. This intrinsic factor is inherent within the process of creation. Hence, God is not a person sitting somewhere in the space. This way, the creator and created both are one and the same. This is the theory of non-duality, the gist of Vedanta. It’s quite scientific and logical.
Even the quantum physics have come to the conclusion that quantum particles, which are the base of materiality, pop up from nothing. Secondly, empty space is not static; rather it is dynamic, having potential of quantum activities. So, absolute zero is basically the sea-bed, the stratum, of creation. From this absolute zero, positive and negative energy, both originate, maintaining the sum total of whole energy as zero. The positive field or energy which is the first outcome of zero, and this positive field is a conscious field (consciousness). Since, this conscious field has come out from zero, so, it has an inherent tendency to go back to zero. This inherent tendency gives rise to the negative field or energy. Spiritualists call this positive field i.e. consciousness as Brahman. Because of the negative field, the conscious positive field coagulates spinning at different locations in the form of strong vertigoes. This strong coagulation (spinning) in the conscious field gives rise to materiality. Because of the coagulation (spinning) in the conscious field, so many other fields like electromagnetic field etc. are produced giving rise to the whole process of material evolution. So, the entire space is pervaded by the conscious field and wherever this coagulation of the field takes place, that conscious field is turned into matter losing its quality of consciousness. Stronger is the materiality, weaker is the consciousness. What are the attributes of consciousness?, to know that, please read my article titled “What is consciousness?”
So, this way we see consciousness pervades the entire manifested space and materiality is the localized event in that Omni-present conscious field. This conscious field is basically God which mothers the entire manifestation. We all are the products of this material evolution process. Man is blessed, because it has the potential of realizing this consciousness. We all have the same constitution and origin and this entire manifestation and yet to be manifested reality are a perfectly united together as one unit. This grand union, in which the entire manifested and yet to be manifested realities exist, is God.
We can understand God, matter, our superficial identities and ego from this following example:
God (Super-consciousness) is like an ocean and the world is like frozen iceberg. Consciousness is vast non-deterministic entity pervading the entire cosmos as like the ocean; while the world or material manifestation is a localized deterministic pattern in the vast space-time continuum as the iceberg and it is a confined localized phenomenon in the vast ocean. The ocean is dynamic and all united; while the icebergs have different shapes and size and each iceberg having different shape, size and view, appear to be separate and distinct entities. This distinction creates “Ego”, while the fact is their constitution is same as that of the ocean. So we are. When our consciousness is trapped and limited to our outer appearance, we feel we are separate and distinct from each other and we get afflicted with the problem of “Ego”. But, when our consciousness turns within, we realize that the whole universe is one united reality as the ocean is. Remaining confined to the limited consciousness petrifies us as matter, but when we rise in our consciousness, we get merged with the Vast called God; as the iceberg gets merged with ocean.
Because of our material existence, we are mostly un-conscious, but blessed with the ability of consciousness. Since our conscious is low, that’s why we can see only the partial localized reality. But, we are blessed with the potential of raising our consciousness and the moment when we evolve to the highest possible extent of consciousness, we come out of our body-mind system and feel that we have expanded in the entire cosmos. In this state we realize that the entire existence is one perfect united unit and this realization of the perfect vast united existence as one unit is the realization of God. In the state of consciousness we don’t meet God; rather, we ourselves become God. Because God is not an outside reality; it is an inherent reality. It is the most blissful realization. Realizing this ultimate bliss is the ultimate destination of the humanity. In this state, you have following realization:
1. It is a very blissful experience. Nothing of the world can give you this level
of happiness.
2. In the state of this consciousness, there is no desire left, it is a highly
nutritiously enriched contended perception.
3. In the state of this consciousness there is no negative emotion like hatred,
animosity, jealously etc. possible.
4. It is an egoless phenomenon.
Whatever I have explained earlier, same is the finding of quantum physicists and any one can realize this ultimate truth in a very crystal clear terms. Whatever I have written or spoken, that is not a bookish theory; rather I have spoken them on the authority of my own direct realization. Remember, truth is always objective and universal; otherwise, it is not truth. Truth liberates, it doesn’t cause bondage. If, you are really passionately interested to realize this truth directly yourself, then, contact me. I can’t give you a readymade solution, but, I can at least guide about the path.
Thank You.
Swami Aaron
Author of:
• A Date with God
• In Love with All Beautiful Women
• On the Wings of the Self
• The Journey of Speaking Silence
• Dancing on the Last Threshold of the Universe
• Beyond the Beyond
• Quantum Jump into God
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