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From Reflexology to the Metamorphic Technique:
A Transformational Journey
At the end of world war two a British naturopath called Robert St.John discovered a new healing modality which used firm pressure on the reflex points of the feet to bring about well being in the whole body. He trained in Reflexology and found it incredibly powerful and effective. However, noticing that not all Reflexology maps were the same, he set about finding his own set of points. For this he used his experience with clients, his intuition, and a pendulum.
In the course of his research he discovered that whenever he found a congested area, the spinal line would also show signs of stress at the corresponding level. This crucial insight led him to change the very nature of his approach which he now called Spinal Reflexology, working up and down the spinal reflex points for the whole of the session.
When clients came to him with lower back pain or digestive problems he would focus entirely on the spinal line from the middle of the foot to the heel. The feedback was impressive, with one intriguing and unexpected result. Out of around 20 clients who received this treatment, half would mention having had feelings about their mothers after the session. Some suddenly missed their mothers. Others felt long suppressed emotions towards them. Some reported a new longing to become a mother whilst others became aware of resentment around their role as a mother.
St.John realized that the cells of the body hold our energetic patterns, the background to who we are. When we touch points on the side of the heel it evokes all things relating to the mother principle. He observed that clients with hard skin in that area often appeared ungrounded, unable to nurture themselves or had unresolved issues with their mothers. It was as if somehow mothers transmission was incomplete.
Suddenly the work no longer focused uniquely on the body, but now evoked the emotional level as well. So now he had located the mother principle, where was the father principle? This he discovered on the side of the first articulation of the big toe. Hard skin there seemed to express unresolved issues with the father and with outside authority, or not having fully taken on one’s own authority.
St.John also felt that the father point represented the one moment in time when a man participates in the creation of life: conception. The mother point became known as the birth point. The spinal line in between embodied our journey in the womb where we establish the blueprint for the life we are about

Dominique Meeroff
to embark on. During gestation, when mother has a shock or strong emotion, it plants the root of an energy pattern which we will experience as a life challenge or life lesson, a theme which serves to reveal our purpose.
Now St.John called his work Prenatal Therapy and practitioners abandoned the reflexologist’s touch, stroking gently along the prenatal line. At times, when they came accross a ‘disturbance’ seen as evidence of a pattern affecting the client, they would send intention, colour and healing.
Manifestations at the top of the foot evoked patterns around the client’s sense of self, limiting beliefs and behavior, and feelings of not belonging. The lower foot reflected patterns around opening to the world, being seen, relating to others and moving forwards. People reported amazing changes in their lives. For some it was greater emotional balance. Others who had been stuck for years suddenly found the way forward. Many manifested love, health, and purpose.
But St.John noticed that whilst dramatic changes were taking place, in some cases the old ways would return. “What can I do to create a permanent shift?” he asked himself, until finally he saw that ‘he’ did not have the power to transform the client, but their Life Force did. He renamed the work Metamorphosis and no longer focused on perceived “problem” areas. By uniformly stroking all the points on the feet, hands and head, it allowed the clients innate intelligence to evolve them in whatever way was most appropriate.
Gaston Saint Pierre, a long term student of St.John’s took the practice one step further. He added the proviso that one should always remain detached and never seek to influence, direct or heal. Just as the seed knows exactly how to grow into what it wants to become, so do we. We seek only a catalyst and a ground free of direction, a free space in which our inner knowing can evolve us. The power of Life within can transform all the places where we have resisted the inner transformational flow that is our true nature.
The Metamorphic Technique is as simple as breathing, the touch of grace, a deep trust in the wisdom of Life. People learn to give themselves sessions, to work on children, partners, friends and family. Pregnant women use it to transform so that their unborn child need not repeat the patterns of past generations. Practitioners offer this unique catalyst to their clients: not healing, therapy or massage but a space in which transformation can happen. A Metamorphic Technique session is a Yes to the intelligence of Life and an invitation to transform.
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