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An Open Letter To Cancer For November 2024

By:Guy Doleman
Date: Tue,01 Oct 2024
Submitter:Guy Doleman

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An Open Letter To Cancer For November 2024

Dear Cancer,

I hope my letter finds you fit and well. The month of November begins on an optimistic note with the New Moon forming a potentially beneficial aspect to Saturn. From this I deduce that many of your aspirations and plans for the future will get off to a good start. Plan long term and be content to make slow but consistent progress towards your ultimate goals. It would be a little optimistic to expect an instant resolution to all your difficulties. Nevertheless, if you keep chipping away at your problems with dedication, commitment and patience I suspect you will ultimately make significant progress. Remember the old saying “Rome wasn’t built in a day!”. Keep that in mind especially when you come up against some particularly obstinate, intransigent or bloody-minded individual, or an adverse set of circumstances.

Saturn can both test your patiences and simultaneously strengthen your determination to succeed against all the odds. Furthermore, Saturn is (metaphorically) a wise old man who - despite lacking the youth and strength to physically smash down the doors which bar your way into the inner sanctum of the citadel - he knows a secret entrance accessible only to a privileged few: an example of knowledge and cunning winning over brute force. Therefore be cautious - be patient - and take your time. You are competing in a long distance marathon race, not a short sprint.

Mercury combines his energies with Mars, Neptune and Pluto. To me this suggests your intuitive and cognitive faculties might be put on a “war footing” so to speak. Now that’s not as ominous as it may initially seem, so don’t panic. What I’m suggesting is that your tongue and wit will be sharpened and on high alert. Consequently you will be able to defend yourself against unwarranted accusations of incompetence, thoughtlessness or duplicity. Gone are the days when you would bite your tongue and meekly turn the other cheek. You will verbally rebuff any spurious accusations of impropriety before triumphantly winning any contest of willpower. Subsequently, potential opponents will be forced to concede that you are not a person to be exploited or mocked for their amusement. Indeed, you will manifest your innate strength of character and determination to do “the right thing” wherever possible or appropriate. In short: you are now a winner and no longer a victim.

Another fortuitous portent is the Grand Trine formed by Mercury, Mars and Neptune in the Fifth, First and Ninth Houses respectively. In short: this is potentially good news for those readers who want to transcend all Spiritual boundaries and go on some kind of intellectual pilgrimage, so to speak. In addition those of you who are planning a romantic break from routine might be enabled to escape the rat-race for a short while. Additionally, if you are a keen angler who enjoys sitting on the river bank contemplating the meaning of life, please ensure that you don’t nod off and miss the biggest catch of your life.

In the second week of November your emotional equanimity or cognitive constructs might be challenged by unwarranted anxiety. Perhaps something you read on social media will give you cause for concern. Please do a little reality testing to investigate the validity of the information that comes your way. Don’t permit others to fire-up either your suspicions or fears. Just keep calm and try to relax. Have a quiet walk in the park; get close to nature; share your anxieties with a friend; but for goodness sake leave the bottle alone!

Changing subject: Sun trine Saturn energies suggest that if you are currently house-hunting; career-building; have concerns focusing on agriculture or manual labour, then the outlook is potentially good. In fact your financial position or social status is firmly based and most likely secure. However, a concurrent Venus square Neptune alignment suggests that when it comes to matters of the heart this is probably a good week to keep your feet firmly planted on the ground. Please don’t allow your heart to rule your head. If in doubt, play for time because it could be nothing more than a storm in a teacup. Always look on the bright side; that’s my motto.

Are you prone to carelessness with your possessions? Then don’t leave your valuables laid around and remember to secularly lock up your business premises at closing time. And if you work from home and are tempted to “have a lazy day” so to speak, beware, because Big Brother is surely watching you!

Uranus, Neptune and Pluto skillfully combine their creative energies to assist a privileged minority to excel in some actions or undertakings related to partnerships; higher education or community activities. Please try to overcome your insecurities because you are far more capable than you imagine. It's OK to feel nervous when attempting something new for the first time, most people do. You are only human and it's alright to get butterflies in your tummy. Just for once be as kind and understanding to yourself as you are to others. Admit it, you always try to see the best in other people so why not make this week memorable by being just as kind and compassionate to yourself. Go on, give it a try, I dare you!!

Quickly moving on ….

The third week of November has the Full Moon conjunct Uranus. This might correlate to long anticipated major changes coming to fruition for some; while others experience nothing more than a minor disruption to their usual long established routine. It all depends upon how the current planetary alignments resonate with your own Natal Horoscope.

Did you know that a Full Moon had legal significance in early mediaeval England? We are talking about a time before the printing press was invented and the majority of Europe’s population remained illiterate. A time when a simple sundial was considered high tech and only monks and the wealthy aristocracy had access to calendars. In those dark and distant days a Full Moon was used as a visible symbol (kind of primitive text alert) to remind the serfs and bondsman, to pay what they owed to the local lord of the manor, or, (if applicable) attend the local courthouse to defend themselves against any legal accusations that had been made against them. Incidentally, all court proceedings were conducted in Latin, a language the serfs and bondsmen neither spoke nor understood.

Do you like sightseeing? I do. Amid the ruins of Pickering Castle, North Yorkshire (a favourite haunt of mine) is the courthouse where peasants were tried for various misdemeanours. If found guilty of poaching in the King's Forest, for example, they would have their eyes gouged out as punishment. Believe it or not some people still talk about the “good old days". Give me the twenty-first century anyday!!

But I digress.

The Sun trine Neptune is indicative of constructive intuitive insights which might ignite a burning desire to write your magnum opus or paint a colourful mural on a nursery wall. As always it's up to you and your God given free will to make the final decision, but I suspect you are going to do something which makes amends for your oft ignored or frequently stifle
creative impulses. Yes, the time has come to get to grips with a sculpture's chisel, a potter's wheel or even an artist's paint brush. No more excuses. Get stuck in!

Mercury square Saturn may be a cautionary warning to double check your travel insurance or some other bureaucratic necessity before you embark upon a long journey, while others may curse silently under their breath while they frantically search for a charging point on a wet and windy night in a remote motorway service area.

November draws to a close with a potentially auspicious Venus sextile Saturn aspect. This is great news for the majority of loved-up readers. Venus is the planet associated with love, harmony and the acquisition of luxury items like engagement or wedding rings (fingers crossed). Saturn is associated with permanence, long-livity, satisfaction or, conversely, the Stoic acceptance of essential limitations and full stops. As I have explained in the past: there are two final arbitrators in all matters astrological: (1) your own Natal Horoscope and (2) the application of your God given free will.

But let's not get bogged down in detail.

Continuing; the Sun forms a potentially constructive aspect to mighty Pluto which is an archetypal symbol of transformation, metamorphosis and fresh starts. So, let me ask this question: if your guardian angel gave you a sweeping
brush and invite you to spring clean all the mistakes, miscalculations and false starts out of your life where would you begin? Think about it. Then perhaps think about actually doing it.

Another potentially auspicious aspect I want to bring to your attention is Sun trine Mars. Why? Because it will contribute to your growing self-confidence, self-esteem and ability to change what needs to change and defend that which you want to protect.

Well friends, that's me about all written out for this letter. I wish each and every one of you good health and happiness. Please take care of yourselves and be good to each other. So, until I write again: “God Bless and protect”.

Bye Bye!!

Yours sincerely,

Guy Doleman: Astrologer

PS. All dates are approximations.

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