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Greetings my beloveds
it gives me Great no tremendous pleasure to share with you a magic light encoded message - you see here in the higher realms we see how challenged and chaotic your existence can be and yet there is so much magic available to you
So many of you seek permission or guidance to be Told what you are here to do and yet do you not know that nobody other than yourself can truly know this, sure dear one they can give you signs and sure they can affirm what has already occurred but this does not mean they are best placed to affirm what is to be - only you as a lightbeing can know that desire that or create that
Let me share with you how well i know you - we are neighbours i am not some lofty being to whom worship should be sent, oh no, you see i am an angelic which is a type of being, you are my brethren you too are an angel
we speak not of you being superior to your kin, we speak of truth that your high self resides close to source and has known me and my kind for eons, we live in the same realm the same street and we pass communication with each other often and with great love and mutual respect
you were thought with great beams of love into existence into your mothers womb came you with a veil across your brow, to prevent you from knowing that which you Do know that you are divine and heavenly as any being from heaven
your higher self does not seek to trick you she wants you to know yourself she wants you to feel the immense pride and love she has for you a precious aspect of her - she wants you to re connect with your power Yes your power we say, because power is beautiful to behold in a being such as yourself
Permission wont be granted not by us and not by her, permission is given without any granting because You Are - and because you ARE you cannot be any less
it is not confusing your magical nature is real, the fact you are reading these words shows that you know deep down that your truth is inherently powerful and loving - capable of far more than your current existence will show you at this time, your magical nature makes it impossible for you not to manifest for you have done this by manifesting yourself into existance do you not see how the illusion of reality confounds you at even the most basic level?
So are you ready to accept your magic? Are you ready to take time daily to connect with your inner being? Will you do this for you and for everyone around you who relies on someone, everyone, finding their light so they may find theirs?
Do not expect bells or whistles do not expect fireworks and fairy dust for You is home connecting with you is like being in the bosom of the most loving mother, you will feel safe, secure protected and contentment like you have never known, 'you' does not exist outside of yourself but you are a glass of water yet still connected to the oceans all oceans and so we say whilst you connect with yourself it is on trust we ask you to understand your wider self will be bigger than you can behold at first and yet she is real and with you at all times
Magic is your birthright, look around you with new eyes, understand that every flower tree and plant was put here for you (by you) every miracle every blessing that you behold another receiving is a blessing for you too, to help you to understand that nothing is ever with held nothing is ever prevented from coming into being - the only prevention of being comes from the perception of the self having to put in effort, having to heal when in fact all those shady parts of yourself are part of Your Self, and so do not need to be healed in order for you to receive it is the perception that you must undergo lengthy initiation that prevents you from stepping into your light your magic your power Today
so even dear one with the challenges you face
even with the prosperity you wish you had
we ask you to accept your inevitable magic now
We would not want you to be 'dead' for you to receive this truth
will you see that the splendour of others is only shown to you to show you that it's yours too?
In order for you to receive this you must own the blessings of others as being your blessing too you must forego the illusion of envy or resentment and even if at times you feel tired or anger you must understand that to ponder these lower freqencies prevents you from acknowledging that you are indeed a magical powerful being
no permission to be magical and connected is needed
for it can be no other way
go forth we say and multiply your awareness of self
go forth and be the powerful being you came here to be
the world, needs your magic and your light
In great and immense awe of You dear sister and brother
Your loving Neighbour
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